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Aspen Meadows Campus
Planned Development Proposal

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The project team anticipates submitting a land use application to the City of Aspen Community Development Department in fall 2024.

What is a Planned Development?

A Planned Development (PD) is a zoning category in the City of Aspen Land Use Code.  The PD designation enables and encourages flexibility and innovation in the development process. PDs present advantages to the community-at-large because they facilitate a higher quality design and site planning and offer a greater variety of solutions to building challenges.  PDs also seek to preserve natural, historic, cultural, and scenic features on the land being proposed for development while also promoting safe and convenient multi-modal transportation options and circulation.  By encouraging innovation, PDs allow variations to standard permitted zone district land uses and dimensional requirements. 


Because PDs require Aspen City Council approval, they are voted on at public meetings with public hearings and community input as integral aspects of the process.



Why a Planned Development?

In 1992, a Specially Planned Area (SPA) was approved for the Aspen Meadows Campus to enable development of building for the Aspen Institute, Aspen Music Festival and School, Aspen Center for Physics, as well as private single family homes.  


There have been amendments to the SPA over time as the needs and capacity of each organization has changed. In 2014, the City of Aspen converted all SPAs to Planned Developments (PD), including the Aspen Meadows. The PD designation of the Aspen Meadows means that any change to development on the campus requires a PD Amendment. For this reason, the nonprofit partners are pursuing a PD Amendment for our affordable housing project. 

What are the benefits for the community?

By partnering on the development application, the three nonprofits can create a more cohesive overall project.  The power of a shared vision and plan limits redundancies where possible and creates opportunities for the preservation of land, natural resources,  and neighborhood character.  The partners are working together to address key infrastructure needs, such as stormwater management and utilities, as well as transportation and parking impacts that may come from new housing in the area. 


All three organizations have a deep respect for the character of the 40-acre Aspen Meadows Campus and understand its history and significance to the community.  We are committed to overall sustainability and to preserving the viewsheds, cultural significance, unexpected finds, openness, walkability, and unique features of the campus and neighborhood.  We will also share our housing stock with one another if the need and availability ever arises.


Proposed Housing Sites

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Site Details

Aspen Institute

We anticipate using our new housing for full-time staff, part-time staff, and interns.  Housing these individuals will contribute to our sustainability and will help us attract and retain talented staff and offer groundbreaking programs and support services to our visitors and the community.

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Key Characteristics of Aspen Institute Site Plan

  • Protects existing conservation easement and old racetrack

  • Creates green space and improved visual entrance to the Aspen Institute campus

  • Provides 13 new units with 26 bedrooms

  • Expands underground parking garage below proposed housing

  • Provides 29 new parking spaces with 5 parking spaces at grade and 24 parking spaces in expanded parking garage

  • Moves maintenance and storage areas below ground

  • Requires removal of the clay tennis court, which has had minimal usage over recent years.

Aspen Music Festival and School

Our priority is to house full-time staff, part-time staff as well as visiting musicians and students.  Housing these individuals will contribute to our sustainability, will help us attract and retain talented staff, and will support our diverse programming for the benefit of the community and to best serve our mission.

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Key Characteristics of  Aspen Music Festival and School Site Plan

  • Retains existing 274 parking spaces

  • Updates parking access from Gillespie

  • Reconfigures bus and shuttle drop off, with access from N 3rd Street

  • Provides 13 new units with 17 bedrooms and 15 parking spaces

  • New pedestrian path from the corner of Gillespie and N 3rd Street

  • Updates sidewalks along Gillespie

Aspen Center for Physics

Our new housing will be dedicated to visiting physicists. Housing our program participants and programming staff will contribute significantly to our sustainability, and support our mission of attracting the best scientific minds dedicated to the pursuit of cutting-edge research and thought. You can learn more about our specific project and our story here.

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Key Characteristics of Aspen Center for Physics Site Plan

  • Provides 3 new single-family style units with studio apartments and on-site parking along North Street.

  • The project includes the demolition of Bethe Hall.

  • Provides 5 new multi-family buildings behind Stranahan Hall, including office space in less square footage to replace those in Bethe Hall.

  • Reconfigures existing parking spaces and provides additional bike parking.

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